Wenn du einen Brief an den Kummerkasten schreibst - letter to the agony aunt - und um Rat bittest oder du in einem Brief Rat gibst, gibt es ein paar Dinge zu beachten.
Asking for advice
Wenn du um Rat bittest, kannst du folgende Struktur befolgen:
- Grußformel
- Grund für dein Schreiben
- Schilderung deines Problems
- Bitte um Rat
- Bedanken
- Schlussformel und dein Name
Giving advice
Wenn du jemandem einen Rat geben willst, hilft die folgende Struktur:
- Grußformel
- Verständnis für das Problem zeigen
- Deinen Rat geben
- Alles Gute wünschen
- Schlussformel und Name
Useful advice phrases
- My advice is...
- Why don't you...
- The next step is...
- It's always a good idea...
- You're having a hard time / trouble with...
- I'm sorry you're...
- Have you tried...
- Maybe...
Asking for advice
Dear agony aunt,
I am writing to you because I need help with my homework. When I come home from school I usually eat and then I directly start with my homework. However, I can't concentrate and feel really tired after a few minutes!
Is there any advice you could give me?
Thank you very much.
Giving advice
Dear Lisa,
Thank you very much for your message. I can totally understand your problem!
My advice would be the following: Take a small break after lunch! It's always a good idea to either get some rest or get moving. This way, you can take your mind off for a few minutes and have new energy for your homework.
I hope that my advice will help you and I wish you all the best.
Your agony aunt