Ein Drama (play) wird geschrieben, damit es auf einer Bühne gespielt (performed) wird. Bei der Analyse kommt es also neben dem eigentlichen Inhalt und der Sprache des Stückes auch auf die Bühnenanweisungen (stage directions) an.
In der introduction führst du kurz in das Stück ein. Hier nennst du in 1-2 Sätzen:
- Autor/in (playwright)
- Titel, Akt, Szene
- Erscheinungsjahr
- Thema
- Kurze Einordung in das gesamte Stück, sofern du es gelesen hast
- These deiner Analyse
main part
- Welche Funktion hat der Auszug (extract) in der Gesamtstruktur des Dramas?
language & communication
- Wie wird die Beziehung (relationship) unter den Charakteren sprachlich deutlich? (register)
- Wie wird kommuniziert?
- Gibt es sprachliche Bilder? (metaphors, similies)
stage directions
- Wie soll das Stück inszeniert werden?
- Wie sollen die Zeilen vorgetragen werden?
- Gibt es Bemerkungen der Charaktere an das Publikum? (aside)
Wenn du eine conclusion schreibst, fokussiere dich auf die wesentlichen Ergebnisse und füge keine neuen Informationen hinzu (nicht mehr als 2-3 Sätze).
Wichtige Vokabeln sind:
- act - Akt
- scene - Szene
- play - Drama
- playwright - Dramatiker
- dialogue - Dialog
- monologue - Monolog, auch zu anderen Charakteren
- soliloquy - Monolog eines Charakters alleine auf der Bühne (kann auch direkt an das Publikum gerichtet sein)
- stage directions - Bühnenanweisungen
- aside - Bemerkung eines Charakters an das Publikum
Task: Analyse the relationship between Romeo and Juliet. Focus on language and stage directions!
The text is an extract from the play "Romeo and Juliet", Act II, Scene 2, by William Shakespeare from 1595. It is about a secret meeting between Romeo and Juliet. The relationship is complicated, as Romeo is very impulsive whereas Juliet is nervous and mindful.
main part
- is in love with Juliet.
- uses metaphors like "she is the sun", saying how beautiful she is.
- in an aside he is asking the audience whether he should interrupt Juliet. This speaks to his insecurity on the one hand, as he is unsure how to proceed. On the other hand, he is very energetic and does not want to wait to talk to her.
- he is very impulsive, trying to convince Juliet that he loves her truly (after knowing her for not even one hour).
- is willing to lose his name for Juliet, symbollically abandoning his own family.
- is in love with Romeo.
- is rather unsure if he truly loves her.
- asks him many questions to be sure.
- she appears on a balcony above Romeo. This highlights the distance that is between their love.
- she is more thoughtful and considerate, not as outgoing as Romeo.
To sum it up, Romeo and Juliet want to love each other, but there is a distance between them. This is shown through their physical separation, as Juliet is far away on a balcony, and through their different set of minds. Whereas Romeo is very impulsive and uses many metaphors to describe his love, Juliet is rather careful and considerate.